Butterfly Pea, Kittelbloem, Clitoria ternatea, Blauwe Thee, Blue Tea, High Tea, kittelbloemthee, kittelbloem kopen Butterfly Pea – High Tea in Blue, KITTEL-FLOWER, Butterfly Pea or Clitoria ternatea. The Blue Magic


Blue Butterfly Pea Tea, Clitoria ternatea, Kittelbloem

The Butterfly Pea provides a Interesting blue cup of tea.
But the magic is greater: Blue rice, blue noddles, blue longdrinks.

Clitoria ternatea Flower

The Clitoria ternatea is an herbaceous climber and occurs naturally in the tropical regions of Asia and is quite bluntly to the clitoris named because the dark blue flowers look similar to this body part.

In general the Clitoria ternatea plant is known as ‘ Butterfly pea ‘, in The Netherlands we know her under the beautiful name Kittel-Flower. Other names: Shankapushi, Shankapuhpi, Blue Pea, Bluechai, Azian pigeon wings.

Clitoria ternatea is a  special plant with a very rich usage history in the Asian cuisine, natural medicine and cosmetics.

In Thailand the blue flowers are used as a natural color. It is added to rice, tea, (fruit) juice or cocktail. The Butterfly Pea flowers are rich in natural antioxidant proanthocyanidine.

Kittelbloem Blue Sun

Add three or four flower plumes to a glass of boiled water or other drink for a beautiful blue color. As Tea, it tastes a little to the black tea and has a lovely soft wooded and earthy flavor.

brew the tea for 10 to 15 minutes.

It is of course a lot of fun to serve Blue tea, but also think of a Blue Long Drink, Blue rice or pasta!

Kittelbloem drink paars

When you blend the Blue Tea with something sour (e.g. lime or lemon) than it turns purple. For an extra special effect, you can create ice cubes in 2 colors and add to a (non-alcoholic) cocktail. With this you make the show with a funky blue and/or purple cocktail

For more recipes and ideas see : Blue Idea recipe

Kittel flower in basket

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